Targeting an Audience
Target Audience is very important to keep in mind when creating this project. Marketing Evolutions states that a target audience is "the specific group of consumers most likely to want your product." To put it plainly for myself, the target audience is who I want my product (in this case film) to be directed
for/towards. It is very important to have a target audience because it helps filmmakers create a film that'll effectively resonate with audiences and maximize engagement. For our opening, we are looking to target teenagers who enjoy coming-of-age movies, but the question is, what kind of teens enjoy coming-of-age stories? Let's dive a little deeper and find out!
Coming of Age; What are its impacts?
Coming of Age movies have a strong focus on youth, maturing, and a strong character arc that is the focal point of the entire movie. There tends to be something major happening to a young character that forces them to grow and mature to handle the situation appropriately. This in turn teaches young audiences the lesson that the character had to learn and shows them how they can grow. It shows the paths a young viewer can take and relates to them on what it's like to navigate the world at their age. It offers new perspectives and understatement.
This is important for teens who feel alone or invisible. These types of movies let them know they are being seen. It can be in comedy format or drama format, a Coming of Age movie can reach out to a young viewer because it shows the experience of that young viewer.
Now that we have figured out what makes a coming-of-age movie so impactful, let's figure out just exactly the audience we want to impact!
1) Teenagers (13-19)
->So far our ideas center around high school students, which involves teenagers. We want to show the life of a teenager and relate to them
2) Outcasts
-> Coming of Age movies tend to focus on the "outcast". Someone who doesn't feel like they fit in. Coming from a teenager herself, we all don't feel like we belong. However, some feel even more alone and even more like a loser. Those people who feel alone and like a loser are the people we want to target
3) Any gender
->So far for our opening scene, we have a loser boy pining after a girl who's struggling with her relationship with her jerk boyfriend. The boy feels alone because he's seen as a loser, and the girl feels alone because she feels trapped in a toxic relationship. Both genders can relate to this and feel the scene through this feeling.
What's my mission here?
I want teenagers to feel seen and to learn the tough lesson that they're going to make mistakes. Not everyone is going to like you. You aren't perfect. Our idea isn't solidified, but great lessons of personal growth and reflection will be a foot and I'm very excited to get with my group and fully plan it out. A Coming of Age story can really help the teens feeling invisible feel seen and that's what we want to do with our opening.
Awesome Sources:
Marketing Evolution. “Steps to Find Your Target Audience.”, 20 July 2022,
Kench, Sam . “What Is a Coming of Age Movie — Examples and Characteristics.” StudioBinder, 24 Sept. 2023,
“What Is a Coming of Age Movie - Impact and Examples.”, 14 Mar. 2024,
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