Sunday, February 16, 2025

I LOVE storyboarding

 Storyboards! What are they?

Storyboards are my favorite part of the planning process of creating a video! A storyboard is usually a drawn out sequence of events within the scene you are planning. In our case, the opening scene. This means that for us our storyboard needs to show the drawn out shots we had in mind for our film opening!

Storyboards are never the set idea or design for different shots but are instead the rough outline for what we want to do. It is our guideline so we aren't stumbling like buffoons trying to film something without having any ideas on how we want to shoot it. Like sure, we have our story, but figuring out how we want to shoot is right then and there is rather difficult.

Our Storyboard!

I was very honored to be the to draw up our storyboard. I think a reason I love storyboarding so much is because I get to draw my ideas. I'm not going to say I'm the next Picasso, but I don't think I'm too shabby with a pencil! And plus, I enjoy it so it was without a question that this task would be placed on me. Me and my team discussed the shots we wanted, I drew them and then tweaked them as we saw fit! It was so nice to see our ideas laid out in front of us so we can fully grasp what we want to create. 

Some shots drawn out looked... poor. But that is why we have the storyboard! To easily erase and fix where we see fit! That way when it comes time to actually shoot these shots we already have good placements in mind! All right, without further ado... here is our storyboard:

After Thoughts, with Lee

I will say my drawings began to get lazy towards the end. If I had less of a time crunch I'd love to perfect the drawings. Luckily, it isn't the drawing that matters but the content and shots. Ideas change, so our shots might as well, but I think this is a strong foundation and will definitely guide us in the right direction when getting shots for our soon to be amazing film opening!

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