Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Comic!

 A Comic?

Yes, a comic! Our main character, Sam/Atticus, is seen drawing a comic through most of the opening. Why? Because it is his passion and a driving force for him throughout the movie, not just this simple opening. I was assigned to create this comic! A daunting task to be honest. It has to look good enough to appear like an artsy kid made it, but not too good it looks like a professional comic book artist drew it! I think I nailed it, however, I have yet to do line work on this comic. Why am I posting about unfinished work then? You'll see why (I'll explain in a few scrolls with pictures and videos!)

Shoutout to Kenna for making the comic booklet for me!

I don't know if you can tell, but I took full creative freedom with this comic. And I mean it was fully my idea on everything, besides the title (which truth be told I'm not a huge fan of and hope that we change). I want it to be changeable if my team doesn't like certain aspects or wants to take away or add to it. Does that increase the time of making the prop? Yes, and you know how worried I am about time, however, I know myself and my art! I know it'll be quick for me to do the line art of the pages and color the cover (the comic page remains colorless because it is the page Sam will be working on). It isn't perfect or even pretty, so I definitely want my team to see it in person and I can fix what they don't like in real time.

Now what am I trying to portray here? The comic is a projection of Sam's life. He is the main figure of the cover. He is also standing guard of a princess whom he based on Aurora. He guards here as he sends a magic spell that hits the dragon who is after the princess, which is supposed to represent Kai going after Aurora as Sam works to protect her. The page itself is representative of how Sam fell in love with Aurora through her beauty and also her kindness. He sees her kindly feeding a horse and immediately thinks she is the fairest of the land! Meanwhile, Sam sees Aurora striving to be a good person and falls in love with her because of it.

If I were to keep it how it is, Sam/Atticus would be colored in a dark blue and Aurora would be in light pinks. Kai, the dragon, would be green and black as well as huffing orange flames. The line art would be a little scribbly to show that Sam himself is a bit of a messy artist rather than a professional guide. Is this to make the drawing process a little easier for me? A little bit! But also because I genuinely think he would be a messy artist. I would add subtle foreshadowing in the background, like the dragon blowing his flames actually at Atticus on the cover to reference the fight they have. I'll show that the magic Atticus has on the cover does nothing while the dargaon's flames burn Atticus' robes, foreshadowing the physical fight that Kai easily wins against Sam, discussed by my group members a week or so ago! The comic would be colored very vividly, almost in a jarring way to show that Sam's fantasy is not a true reflection of his real world.

Time lapse of me making the cover

Time lapse of me making the comic page
Here you can see me looking through a few of my comics, and that is because I wanted a reference of good comic panels to replicate. Ones that fit the scene in my head that I imagined. So thank you IDW Sonic issue 1!

The page of inspiration 

Now, you may be thinking to yourself, "But Lee, why not show us after you make corrections to the comic?" And that is a valid question, but I wanted to show you guys my thought process, not just my group's. If I solely post after the corrections from my group, you only see the perspective of my group as a whole, and not my own perspective on the film and what the comic should convey. This comic is a big deal and really shows what I think of the story. I see Sam/Atticus as someone who wants to protect Aurora from her abuser, but is blinded by love to see she's stronger than he thinks. I tried to represent his blindness in the comic with her seeming to have a very passive role, hoping that contrast with how I'll play her within the scene.

Final Notes

I plan on showing the final product alongside a showing of all the props I collected or even made for the opening. The comic is important enough to have its own blog post, but to make another blog post for it seems a little much, don't you think? But don't you worry, I love talking so there will be a large paragraph or two or three underneath it discussing the final thoughts of the comic. This post was to show you my thought process behind making the comic since I was the one to make it, and to show that, although we are a great team, we are not a hive mind and have slightly different interpretations of our story. Yes, we are on the same page, but do have a few differing ideas and I wanted to focus on my ideas for this comic before tweaking it! Who knows, maybe my team will love it and not want to change a thing! Maybe they'll want to change everything. We'll see when the finally come back from STN!

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