Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Another Group Meeting?

 Another One?

Yes, another one! I am very glad we had another group meeting, as it was really helpful in fleshing out all of our ideas and making us feel more confident in what we have created thus far. In this group meeting, we discussed what we had completed for our film opening, how we planned on finalizing it, and our plans for our CCR. Do you want paragraphs explaining every group member's project? I hope you said yes, because you're going to get it!

(Michael is in the front bottom, Matias is behind towards the left, in the far left corner is Camila, Peyton is in the top right corner, and finally there's me on the right below Peyton)

As we gathered together, we went to find each other's blogs and look through them quickly to spot any issues with accessing each other's blogs and/or discussing the aesthetics of the blogs. Luckily, everyone was able to get onto everyone's blog, and there truly wasn't any major blog aesthetic issues either. In fact, I loved both Peyton's and Cami's blogs. Peyton had such an adorable background to her blog, and Cami had the best layout I have seen on anyone's blog. Unfortunately, Cami was unsure of how she got her blog the way it is, so I will have to figure out her mysterious ways on my own.

Technically, we discussed the CCRs next, but I want to discuss our openings first, so that is exactly what I will do!

Peyton, like everyone, has finished filming! Yay! Her issue was figuring out what to use to edit and how to edit. Michael, Matias, and I all encouraged her to use Premiere Pro and taught her to access it and use it, since Premiere Pro is the best editing software to use and free thanks to our school. She talked about the problems she ran into while filming and how she overcame them. For example, she and her partner were supposed to film in school, but a substitute didn't allow them to go out and film in class, so instead they had to film the scenes at home and change the story to fit the set change. 

Cami didn't have much to say. She was just happy with how her project was going, and I am very happy for her. Matias still needed to film one more scene, and Michael is also very happy with how his project is going.

Okay, I was expecting to talk longer about that... but that's okay! Onto the more important topic of discussion which was the CCR. Unfortunately for Peyton and Camila they were not present on the day that the directions for the CCR were fully explained. So Matias, Michael, and I did our best to explain all the details of the CCR and what they needed to do. We answered all the questions they had to the best of our ability and I sent my notes to them as well as my first CCR blog post in which I explained all the questions in great detail. With this help they were able to come up with an idea.

Peyton is thinking about doing a podcast for two of her CCRs and an interview type video for her other two. Michael is doing a "What do you do for a living?" influencer video. Matias is doing a director's input video. And I'm planning on doing an Oscar acceptance speech and a late night talk show. Hoping the best for all of us!

What I got most out of this group meeting was making a schedule for the last week and a half we have left to complete this project and enjoy our Spring Break. Both Peyton and I wanted to complete this project by Friday, March 21st, or if we must push it, March 22nd. So we looked at what the aspects of this project needed and decided on a great schedule to follow to reach that goal. 

Saturday, March 15th- Finish editing opening.
Sunday, March 16th- Be Done with CCR script
Tuesday, March 18th- Finish Filming 1st CCR Video
Thursday, March 20th- Finish Filming 2nd CCR Video
Friday, March 21st- Try to Finish Editing Both and Post Opening and CCRs
Saturday, March 22nd- Definitely be done by now.

I'm going to do my best to fully commit to this schedule and get everything done nicely and not have to stress during Spring Break with the looming deadline of March 25th. 

This group meeting made me feel like I am on track with good timing. I am more confident in my team and the film we've created. And with explaining the CCR in detail with my group I'm definitely more confident in what I'm creating for it.

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