Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Second Steps of A CCR

 Question Two of CCR!

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

This CCR question is about how the choices we make within this film target a specific audience as well as how we plan on distributing our film. I've already done some good research of the target audience of my film, so I'm going to start formulating a script for this portion of the CCR video. However, I definitely need to look up ways to distribute a short two-minute opening, but also will develop a script for it.

Target Audience-Script (pt1 of question 2)

Now, I know what you're thinking, "were you thinking of me while creating this film?" Well, if you were my target audience, then yes! The target audience had a strong influence over our film creation! We wanted to make teenagers and even young adults, mostly 13-21, could relate to and feel seen by, since that is typically the goal of Coming-of-Ages. At those ages, people tend to want to figure themselves out and be seen by society as something more than just a kid. But they, aren't fully sure how to do that, or what to do for that. Atticus has such a strong passion and learns how to properly handle that passion in hopes to teach these teens and young adults healthy ways to use their passion as well. But we can't just simply teach these young people without attracting them first. So how did we do that? Well, the opening was made to have three settings that are typically very comfortable for teenagers. A car and two bedrooms. A teenager loves their bedroom. It is their space to get away from the world. That's what we wanted to make their bedroom. Atticus's room is full of his whimsical and fantasy-like toys/decor as well as all of his beloved art supplies and comics. Meanwhile, Aurora's room is full of pictures of when she was happy with friends and family alongside all of the cameras she loves. The rooms are set up this way because it is what makes Atticus and Aurora feel most comfortable. Cars, are different. An older teen, and especially a young adult, rely on their car if they have one. Cars give these young people freedom to do and go where they please. It allows them to explore this world, whether it be safely or daringly. These two things are very special to young people and we needed to make it apparent that they were special to our characters as well. 

Let's not forget, our LGBTQ audience. There is a queer relationship in this film. To reach queer community, we must represent that relationship authentically. On top of it being queer, it is very toxic and Aurora eventually leaves Kai, and get with Atticus, a boy, afterwards. That doesn't make a lot of LGBTQ+ audiences happy, and there being a gay relationship in the first place doesn't make other people happy either. Our film wouldn't do so well if we had both the queer community and homophobes mad at the movie. So, we naturally had to target the LGBTQ audience by representing the queer elements well for representing them alongside representing ourselves. That's why having someone not make a big deal of the gender they date is important and is what we plan on doing. Handling the toxic relationship in the same way as handling a heterosexual toxic relationship was crucial. And that's what we did. We showed a gay relationship and normalized it. We also normalized someone not caring what gender she dated but instead their character.

Alongside that, we needed to make things cool. Or what teenagers think is cool. A car going fast and almost hitting someone, in a teenager's mind, is very exciting! We want to attract teenagers, not bore them. Alongside that, many artistic kids love to watch art on the screen! So having Atticus be the artist that he his and demonstrate some of his art definitely helps! Costuming had to be stuff that typical teenagers wear, and since we are typical teenagers, we just used our wardrobe. Well, Madison and I, who were actually typical teenagers. Atticus is a little different, so he shows that in his different wardrobe. The story also includes a lot of fights and action to keep the attention of our target audience as well as very serious storylines that may be faced by typical young people. Toxic relationships are a topic we cover that happen to 33% of American youth. We want those struggling with that kind of relationship to be seen. We won't shy from the hardships that many go through in relationships. We want to show the arguments, the fights, the betrayals, all of it. Because it is something that needs to be seen. Especially the way that Aurora gets out of that relationship. In the opening, it only shows the controlling behavior of Kai and the fighting nature of their relationship.

Now we had an audience, now we just needed to get it to them...

Distrabution Research/Script (pt2 of quenstion2)

Distributing films is how you get that target audience to actually see what you're targeting them for. Without distribution, what I said up there is just a bunch of nonsense. But how exactly do I plan to distribute my "big name film" if it's not actually a big name film? Well...

Social Media:

Some Sites I Found To Upload To:

Script: Let me tell you guys a secret.... I didn't actually create a whole entire film. Only the first two minutes of it! I know! I know! I'm a terrible person. But look guys, making a full length film... is a lot of work. But hey, you can still watch these brilliant two films! I plan to distribute it on all kinds of different sites. Sites like Vimeo, Kinema, Filmd, and not to mention social media like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter- ahem- X, and of course YouTube. So you might not be able to see this film in big name movie theaters but you could catch me and my film at the Miami Film Festival, and cross your fingers that my submission to Shorts.tv gets picked up and possibly placed on the silver screen just as you all want! But truly, the best distribution choice not just for me but for any short, very short, film maker to get the largest reach is no doubt YouTube. All of my target audience is on it, and most of everyone else's target audience is on it. It's accessible from most places with internet, and even gives ya a little ca-ching if it does well. But to maybe achieve greater success, Miami Film Festival and Shorts.tv might give me and my team the biggest big break we need! 

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CCR Number 3!

 Time to do Question 3! How did your production skills develop throughout this project? My answer to this question may not be what one would...